This consultation was being carried out just as the Post Office is closing and the Pharmacy is for sale. It emphasises the need for the community to be actively involved in supporting these businesses and services and in looking at ways of ensuring they have suitable premises from which they can operate viable businesses.
Many respondents felt that more could be done to improve the visitor experience of our beautiful and interesting area – better signage, facilities, information and promotion – making it more of a destination and not just a base for exploring other places!
In general people felt that more should be done to try to create jobs and business opportunities from our local resources and assets – from our lochs and rivers, forestry, renewable energy and our heritage. It is felt that there is much to be made of!
We are mentioning broadband and mobile phone networks again here – as connectivity is such an important part of being able to run local businesses and attract new businesses as well as a requirement for visitors. There was also mention of the need to provide business units for people that want to set up in the area – especially now the area is being included in the ‘Tobermory to Tyndrum Growth Corridor’!
Retain and support existing shops and services
Improve care for the elderly
Improve visitor experience (promotion, signage, facilities, hospitality, access)
Create more jobs and business opportunities from local resources – lochs, rivers, forestry, renewables
Improve connectivity (broadband/mobile networks)
Develop business units and provide more business support
Some quotes …
“The uncertainty regarding the future continuation of services i.e. shop, pharmacy, post office and medical service.”
‘We should create a community hub in Dalmally for a shop, post office, coffee shop and information’
‘There is a fragmentation of information and not enough for visitors’
‘We need something at the Railway Station (Dalmally) with toilet facilities, history and visitor information’.
“More job opportunities, especially for younger people. Support for business start-ups.”
“We cannot effectively run a business here if there continues to be no broadband.”
“We need better tourism and premises for people to trade from.”