People identified the lack of access to services as a drawback to living and working in the area. This is confirmed by official statistics that put the area in the 10% of most deprived areas in Scotland in terms of people’s ‘access to services’.
Poor broadband and mobile phone networks mean that even online access is difficult – whether for shopping, studying, running businesses, working from home or accessing health services.
Many respondents in the consultation regretted that the lack of care services in the area meant that elderly residents were sometimes unable to stay in their own homes and had no option other than to move out of the area. They would like to see more local care services and facilities available including home care, amenity/sheltered housing and ideally a local care home.
Access to health care was also a problem particularly for those without their own transport (and with poor broadband/mobile signal). Hospitals, ambulance service and even GP surgeries were at a distance from many households in the area. GP services in Dalmally are only part time and the Pharmacy is currently for sale with its future uncertain. In general access to services is very dependent on having at least one car per household and if you don’t then you have to rely on public transport. It was suggested that the community should explore the option of its’ own community transport.
Improve broadband and mobile phone networks
Improve care for the elderly
Improve access to health services
Better public and community transport
Affordable housing for people wanting to live and work in the area
Some quotes …
“With improved broadband more people can effectively work from home in the community.”
“Provision of sheltered accommodation and care within the community for the ageing population”
‘We find that we have to go to Connel more than before to see a GP and this would be really difficult if we didn’t have a car”
“Better integration of and improved public transport especially on the Oban-Glasgow routes”
“More employment locally, housing opportunities linked to work to draw people to our community.”