News Update : Autumn 2021

We have sent it out…
- To all our local councillors, MSPs and MP.
- To organisations that we hope will work with us to get things moving :-
Highlands and Islands Enterprise, ACHA, The Surgery, Forestry and Land Scotland, Argyll and Bute Council. - To everyone who asked to be kept informed as well as those that took part in the focus groups and stakeholder interviews (an emailed copy). Want one? Copies are in the local shops and can be dropped off to you. Email:
It has been received enthusiastically…
“When this document dropped on my desk I was seriously impressed.
It is a fantastic example of how people in a community can work together for the benefit of their local area.
I can’t wait to get back to work to find out more.” Julie McKenzie – SNP Councillor for Oban North & Lorn – Ward 5
Working groups on each of the five themes have met – early actions are underway…
Stuart Craine – Back of Beyond Broadband is on board and has gone away to draw up some plans for how we might improve what is available across the whole area.
The Access to Services Working Group will door-to-door survey to build a detailed picture of who has what, speeds, issues etc. to inform a more detailed look at options. All offers of help to get this out across the whole area – very welcome.
Jenni Minto our constituency MSP has agreed to meet with us to discuss broadband – date to be confirmed late August/ early September.
Access to Services & Housing – Theme 1
Temporary toilet facilities are being tested at Black Mount, Bridge of Orchy and Glen Orchy over this summer.
This will inform ideas for facilities next year.
It had been hoped to offer waste disposal facilities for camper vans at Dalmally Community Centre this year but that hasn’t been possible.
Environment & Heritage Theme 3
A useful first discussion with John Pearce from Community Housing Trust – again we need to build a more detailed picture of what kinds of housing is needed across the area to start to work out what it is we want to do. We also need to identify possible sites. This will be a long- term project but could encourage more people to come and live and work in the area.
Access to Services & Housing – Theme 1
Traffic Calming
Work has started to find out what we need to do to make the case for a reduced speed limit through the whole of Dalmally and a 20mph limit around the school.
Roads, traffic, pavements & parking – Theme 5
Bicycle repair stands
Argyll and Bute Council were offering these – we secured two – one for Lochawe and one for Dalmally.
Local Economy & Tourism – Theme 2
Pathways & cycle paths
Connecting the area with pathways and cycle paths.
Contact has been made with Nature Scot and Cycling Scotland who are keen to work with us on this.
Environment & Heritage Theme 3
Better info/signage/promotion of Heritage sites & Breakthrough at Old Arichastlich
Dalmally Historical Association are working on a list of Key Heritage Sites with a view to producing better information (signs/publications/web information) and possible heritage trails.
Jess Dinning of DHA invited Forestry and Land Scotland’s archaeologist, Matt Ritchie to visit Old Arichastlich. Matt agreed that the site was special and has generously placed the following in the pipeline:
– Felling of trees which could damage the settlement & clearing obstructing fallen trees.
– Drone laser survey of the site.
– Artist’s detailed reconstruction of the site.
– Scottish History books for children donated to Dalmally Primary School & DHA archive
Environment & Heritage Theme 3